

CoalHeritage RFCS Project is divided in 5 WP each with deliverables (project outcomes) that are expected to be submitted in order to show the project’s progress. However, except the aforementioned deliverables, CoalHeritage Project also comprises reports. Hereto, in the framework of WP1, progress reports (Deliverables D1.1 & 1.2, red colour in Fig. 1) consist of one of the main objectives apart from the general management of the activities and the smooth progress of the project. Throughout the project, CERTH will monitor the progress of the project’s actions through the reporting and semi-annual meetings with the partners. In this way, CERTH will track the development of the project and will ensure that the time schedule is followed according to the initial planning. All reports will be uploaded in an electonic format and constitute documents written in English language.

Fig. 1 CoalHeritage report due dates (red colour)