WP 3: Inventory of assets and management of sites


WP3 (blue colour in Fig.1) aims to create a list with the most important content/data/categories of data that will be used to create a clear, standardised and concise inventory of a mine’s assets. The identification of the international core data standards depending on type of assets (immovable, movable) and of the available data for the inventory is necessary. The WP also aims to define the standards, rules, and other mechanisms for the management of the heritage sites and means to financially support for conservation work.

To include a heritage site in the planning and sustainable development of a region, proper management processes need to be followed such as an inventory and documentation of all assets (tangible and intangible). Clear definition and harmonisation of the inventory process and their interaction with our everyday life, at European level is required. In addition, the purpose of the inventory is to safeguard the heritage.

Fig. 1 CoalHeritage’s work plan


The main objectives that will be addressed through the activities are:

  • the formation of a list with the most important content/ data/ categories of data that will be used at a later stage
  • recommendations of the management standards and mechanisms for the protection and conservation of a coal mining site.

Activities and division of work

WP 3 is separated in 2 distinctive Tasks3.1 and 3.2 (with yellow colour in Fig. 2) which will have as outcome 2 respective Deliverables, D3.1 and D3.2 (red colour in Fig. 2). This WP is also linked with 1 Milestone MS5 (red colour in Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Project timeline indicating the timing of each task, deliverable and milestone per WP

Task 3.1 Identification of the international core data standards depending on type of assets (immovable, movable) and of the available data for the inventory

The required materials will be collected and described in a consistent manner. Together with the material prepared in WP2, they will constitute a comprehensive study describing mining technologies and the development of mining machines over the years, as well as they will provide description of the places where individual machines have worked or can be seen (if possible to reach such knowledge). Based on recommendations and guidelines derived from the Council of Europe (Guidance on Inventory and Documentation of the Cultural Heritage), different organisations and cultural committees, CoalHeritage will attempt to develop a method for collecting, storing and inventorying of resources (descriptions, documentation) regarding immovable and movable assets related to the coal mining industry.

Task 3.2 Definition of the standards, rules, and other mechanisms for the management of the heritage sites

An appropriate management plan or other management system is essential. The purpose of a management system is to ensure the effective protection of the nominated property for present and future generations. Effective management involves a cycle of short, medium and long-term actions to protect, conserve and present the nominated property.


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