WP 5: Development of a network for the promotion and protection of the mining heritage


WP5 (orange colour in lower part of Fig. 1) is dedicated to promoting and disseminating the results to the stakeholders and attract the public’s attention to the importance of mining heritage. The promotion of the heritage values of the immovable/movable assets of the areas via thematic presentations (lectures), organisation of workshops and participation in conferences will raise awareness and engagement of stakeholders and development of an interregional network for the protection of coal mining heritage. There will be an establishment of collaboration with other industrial heritage networks and CoalHeritage will exchange the results with the policy makers on EU, national and regional level and with the other stakeholders.

Fig. 1: CoalHeritage’s work plan


The main objective of this WP is to promote and disseminate the results to the stakeholders and attract the public attention to the mining heritage. More specifically, the objectives are:

Awareness raising related to industrial heritage and coal mining specifically.

Promotion of the heritage values of the immovable/ movable assets of the areas (thematic presentations (lectures), organisation of workshops and participation in conferences)

Stakeholder engagement, i.e. coal industry, regional/ local authorities, tourism industry

Development of an interregional network dedicated to the protection of coal mining heritage

Establishment of collaboration with other industrial heritage networks

Activities and division of work

WP 5 is separated in 3 distinctive Tasks5.15.2 and 5.3 (with orange colour in Fig. 2) which will have as outcome 3 respective Deliverables, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. This WP is also linked with 2 Milestones MS9 & MS10 (all with red colour in Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Project timeline indicating the timing of each task, deliverable and milestone per WP

Task 5.1 Promote awareness on the heritage values

This task involves the promotion of the network’s ideas of the network and the European Visual Map Journal (EVMJ) through conference and workshop organisation, preparation of publications covering evolutions of specific mining technologies. In addition, there will be development of thematic presentations (lectures) for various conferences, workshops etc.

A separate session will be introduced at the KOMTECH conference (hosted by KOMAG), dedicated to technical and industrial heritage. A communication plan among the partners will be created in order to track down the progress of each action. All of the above mentioned activities will have as an ultimate goal to inform and raise awareness of the coal mining history, attract the tourism industry in the areas and introduce alternative ways of exploiting the coal regions in more sustainable manner.

Task 5.2 Engagement of stakeholders and development of an interregional network

In this task, the results from the questionnaires will be validated and discussed with the identified stakeholders. The stakeholders will be from the national and local authorities, industry in the area, local society and students and others related to cultural heritage protection, urban/rural/spatial planning and nature heritage protection (e.g. German Mining Museum Bochum, Foundation Zollverein Essen, History of Ruhr Foundation, Regional Association Ruhr and others).

This task aspires to set the base for the creation of a European Coal Heritage Route. CoalHeritage will seek collaboration with other industrial heritage networks in order to gain knowledge and foster relationships to facilitate the inclusion of additional sites and promote its goals achieving, thus, the maximum engagement and consultation of stakeholders.

Task 5.3 Getting publicity and public attention to the mining heritage

This task is dedicated to a wider group of stakeholders, which are residents and society in general. A special open event at GIG’s Experimental Mine Barbara during Industriada (https://industriada.pl/ – the biggest festival of industrial culture in Central and Eastern Europe) will get the attention of many people and support the interregional network for the promotion and protection of the mining heritage.

The EVMJ will be promoted by visual presentation and video footage, showing the heritage of mining and coal related industries, their transformations and potentials as special sites for society.


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