

Project Progress Meetings

Throughout the project, CERTH will monitor the progress of the project’s actions through the reporting and semi-annual progress meetings with the partners. In this way, CERTH will track the development of the project and will ensure that the time schedule is followed according to the initial planning. Quality check and progress monitoring web-meetings will take place during the 6th, 12th & 18th.

Workshop – Milestone MS4

The first external workshop (MS4) will be organized and hosted DMT-THGA in February 2024 in Germany. The workshop will have an internal round table format with different group of stakeholders who will answer a serie of questions in order to achieve a better understanding of awareness building and the necessity to provide an answer to how the public perceives industrial heritage sites. The questionnaire will address issues such as knowledge on the history of coal mining, their perceptioninterest in cultural heritageacceptance of preservation measuresfinancial support measures and conduct a survey in different coal regions with the partners.

Potential Workshop in Valenje, Slovenia

PV aims to host a workshop that is to be held in Velenje, in the Slovenian Mining Museum, 160 meters below surface, on 29th and 30th of May 2024. The workshop will be focused on progress made so far regarding CoalHeritage RFCS project and at the same time project partners will be able to see the Slovenian rich heritage with almost 150 years of mining history, closely connected with cities Velenje and Šoštanj. The expected stakeholders that will be invited to attend the workshop are municipal agencies, staff representatives and related institutions from the Zagorje region that was also related to mining activity and the coal mine that was closed down few years ago.

Potential Workshop at the International Day for Monuments and Sites and theInternational Geodiversity Day

Each year, on the 18th of April, is the International Day for Monuments and Sites. The organisation of a workshop can be considered on that day for the presentation and promotion of the European Visual Map Journal. Another possible event is the “International Geodiversity Day”, which was recognised by UNESCO in April 2021, will be effective soon and it is expected to take place each Octoberstarting 2024.


Workshop – Milestone MS10

final external workshop for a wider group of stakeholders, which are residents and society in general, will be organised by GIG at the Experimental Mine Barbara during Industriada (https://industriada.pl/ – the biggest festival of industrial culture in Central and Eastern Europe) in June 2025 . The organisation of the workshop will get the attention of many people and support the interregional network for the promotion and protection of the mining heritage.
