Internal – Milestone MS3
The first, of the two internal workshops, was hosted by CERTH during the kick-off meeting that took place on the 11th of July 2023 in Athens, Greece. The internal workshop is part of Milestone MS3 of WP2 of the project and aims at identification of the stakeholders through definition of the stakeholder categories expected to be approached, as presented by each of the partners involved in the project with respective their countries.

CERTH, as Lead Beneficiary firstly gave some examples of stakeholders participating in a European Project such as:
- Project’s sponsor or coordinator
- Project’s partners or beneficiaries
- EU institutions or agencies
- National or regional authorities
- End-users or customers
- Civil society organizations or networks
- Media or public opinion
In general the stakeholders can be grouped in 3 main categories between to make things more simple which are separated between:
- Primary (Citizens)
- Secondary (Employers, Landlords)
- Key (Policy makers, Agencies, Legislators)
In regards to the CoalHeritage RFCS AM Project, all project partners present agreed that some of the proposed categories of stakeholders should be the following:
- Government and Municipality agencies of nearby areas
- Research and academic staff from local Universities
- Public or Private Power Corporations
- Local industries and businesses
- Nonprofit and advocacy area groups regarding environment, tourism and archeology
- Business clusters
- Citizens and community groups from the surrounding areas (especially near mining areas)
Internal – Milestone MS5
The second internal workshop took place on the 5th December 2023 (6th project month) via web-meeting and was hosted by colleague Kamil Szewerda from the KOMAG Institute. The workshop, part of WP3, had an open internal character to which members from all partners (Fig.1) involved in the CoalHeritage Project attended in order to provide ideas and suggestions. The aim of workshop was each of the partners to make an individual presentation during which to define the categories and group of objects taken into consideration as heritage for the mining industry in their respective country (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6). The main goal of the workshop was to conclude at defining the categories and group of objects that will be looked at during the development of the CoalHeritage project (which are worth preserving and protecting according to the project consortium).