New idea for mining heritage conservation in Poland Post-Industrial Center of Zagłębie Coal Mining coming soon
The Zagłebie Coal Mining Museum in Czeladź is preparing to organize a permanent exhibition dedicated to the mining industry in the Zagłębie region of Upper Silesia. It will be an extraordinary museum, whose attractiveness will increase with the inevitable disappearance of #mining in Poland.
The creation of the exhibition is the second stage of the project called #PostIndustrial Centre of Zagłebie Coal Mining. The project received high marks in the EU competition due to its more than local character and originality. The first stage of the project, the revitalisation of the headquarter of the future museum, the #Guildhall of the former Saturn mine was completed in June 2023.
The Guildhall of the former Saturn mine in Czeladź is one of the symbols of the city’s mining past, as the neighboring building turned into the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery or the building of the former electrical workshops, which, after renovation, became the headquarter of the Center for Community Services and Local Activities from December 2019.
All guildhall headquarter of the future Museum photos – source City Hall of Czeladź.
Details of the new exhibition in the new museum can be found at the link (in Polish):,93867,30591501,muzeum-zaglebiowskiego-gornictwa-weglowego.html?fbclid=IwAR3ZQSM1vCuR_Sk5ZaIfHawgPNfo7QNHzAbiRHWUCokDHIU280Ck_LSU_bI