International Experts attention on CoalHeritage!

We are proud to announce that Coal Heritage project has drawn special attention of international experts involved in the preservation of industrial heritage. We had pleasure to present project goals and activities at the Working Industrial & Mobile Heritage Group Meeting.

#WIMH, Working Industrial & Mobile Heritage Group is a consortium of European umbrella organisations representing the industrial and mobile heritage sectors. The meeting participant were distinguished representatives i.a. Jaap Nieweg, President of the European Federation of Museum & Tourist Railways, Hildebrand de Boer, ERIH Board Member, Miles Oglethorpe, TICCIH President and Head of Industrial Heritage at Historic Environment Scotland and Piotr Gerber, President of TICCIH Poland.

ERIH – European Route of Industrial Heritage, the European Route of Industrial Heritage, is the tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe. The network is managed by the ERIH association, which has around 350 members in 27 countries.

The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage TICCIH, is the world organization for industrial heritage. Its goals are to promote international cooperation in preserving, conserving, investigating, documenting, researching, interpreting, and advancing education of the industrial heritage. TICClH is recognized by the International Council on Monuments and Sites #ICOMOS as a designated consultant in all matters related to the study and preservation of industrial heritage.
