Deliverable 2.3
Deliverable 2.3: Successful stories of transforming coal mining sites and areas into industrial heritage objects presents the results of the study carried out in WP 2. In each country involved, i.e., Germany, Greece, France, Poland, and Slovenia, examples of transformation activities have been identified and described in this document. They…
Deliverable 3.1
Deliverable 3.1: Catalogue of the collected assets from the partners’ country presents a catalogue of coal heritage materials collected within WP3 along with a description of how it was developed. D3.1_Catalogue_of_the_collected_assets_from_the_partners_countryDownload
Deliverable 4.1
Deliverable 4.1: Coal heritage Geodatabase focuses on the collection and homogenization of geospatial data and related texts from selected coal mines sites in countries that are participating in CoalHeritage project (German, Greece, France, Poland, Slovenia). These data serve as input for the European Visual Map Journal (EVMJ), which is under…
Deliverable 3.2
Deliverable 3.2: Report on the standards and mechanisms for the management of the heritage sites presents a comprehensive report of the existing legal frameworks, measures and policies, standards, resources, and strategies for the management of geoheritage sites for each one of the countries involve in the CoalHeritage project. It also…
Deliverable 5.1
This manuscript presents the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation (CDE) plan, part of WP 5: Development of a network for the promotion and protection of the mining heritage. The role of the manuscript in the project is to describe activities expected to be used for the successful promotion of the project…
Deliverable 2.2
This report presents “the processes needed to declare the coal sites as national heritage areas”. It is based on moderated discussions with stakeholders/experts from mining areas under transition. This deliverable is part of the WP 2: Status quo of coal mining heritage in Europe. D2.2Download