Deliverable 5.1
This manuscript presents the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation (CDE) plan, part of WP 5: Development of a network for the promotion and protection of the mining heritage. The role of the manuscript in the project is to describe activities expected to be used for the successful promotion of the project…
Deliverable 2.2
This report presents “the processes needed to declare the coal sites as national heritage areas”. It is based on moderated discussions with stakeholders/experts from mining areas under transition. This deliverable is part of the WP 2: Status quo of coal mining heritage in Europe. D2.2Download
Deliverable 2.1
This manuscript presents the Report on the coal transition strategy of the European countries, a part of WP 2: Status quo of coal mining heritage in Europe. Its scope includes a summary of the comparative analysis of national reports delivered by COALHERITAGE project partners and best practices that provide the…
Deliverable 1.1
The present report provides a comprehensive overview of the RFCS objectives and the COALHERITAGE necessity. A catalogue of Horizon, RFCS and RFCS-AM projects, focusing on the preparation for just transition, challenges, and opportunities, has been curated, showcasing noteworthy outcomes. A literature review is conducted to enhance knowledge about coal mine…
CoalHeritage RFCS Project is divided in 5 WP each with deliverables (project outcomes) that are expected to be submitted in order to show the project’s progress. For each deliverable a due month is presented by when it is expected to be uploaded in the Portal. The due month of the…